A Book To Solve
the Largest National Treasure Hunt in History

“ I hid a treasure somewhere in the United States,
and it’s waiting for you to find it. “
“Our lives are one perpetual treasure hunt. You and I seek. We pour our heart and spirit, tears and sweat, energy and fiery will into acquiring those things we covet, whatever that may be. This is true of everyone.”

There’s Treasure Inside is the culmination of close to five years of work. The author worked with experts in several fields to put together a treasure both unique and valuable. Worth millions of dollars and growing more valuable each day, the pieces in the treasure are as varied as they are unique. Chosen to appeal to as many different tastes and interests as possible, items include Bitcoin, antiquities, shipwreck bounty, rare Pokémon cards, sports memorabilia, gold, precious metals and rare gems. Other objects have historical significance, including ones made or owned by the likes of Pablo Picasso, Andrew Carnegie, George Washington, Amelia Earhart, Jackie Onassis, Henry David Thoreau, and Louis Comfort Tiffany.
The stories and histories of the treasure items comprise the themes and chapters of this book. Glean from them to help you discover where these riches are located. This treasure hunt led its creator to learn much more than he expected. Find out what inspired him. Uncover what he realized. Share the joy he found along the way. Then, if you wish, follow the clues to find the incredible treasures showcased in this book.
Is this treasure hunt actually real?
100%. Everything you see here is real. It has taken the better part of five years to put this treasure hunt together and to complete this book. Along the way, over a dozen people saw the treasure boxes and treasure items before they were hidden. Professional photographers and videographers documented each piece in digital form. Additionally, the treasure boxes were custom-made by a blacksmith, who worked on them for over a year.
To see and learn more about the treasure items and boxes CLICK HERE.
Who is this treasure hunt for?
Anyone! If the idea of solving clues, being in nature, or finding a hidden treasure sounds appealing, then this is an adventure for you.
Where can I learn more about this treasure hunt?
This website is the best place to start. I suggest first that you read all the FAQs.
Then check out the treasure page.
Next you can go to the news page to watch and read the latest national and regional news and interviews.
And finally, you can subscribe to my email list, where I send out any and all important updates about my book and the treasure hunt.
Is there only one treasure box?
No, there are five. Four treasure boxes are of a similar size. The fifth treasure box is larger and holds inside it the lion’s share of the treasure items. There are five boxes because I wanted to make sure that at least one of them had a good chance of being close to you.
To read more about the boxes VISIT HERE.
For an even more detail description, you can visit THIS PAGE by the master blacksmith Seth Gould who created the treasure boxes for me.
Where are the treasure boxes?
They are spread out within the United States. There is no more than one box in any state.
Have any boxes been found?
As of today, I am aware of no boxes that have been found. If and when a box is found I will announce it here.
Are all the clues I need to find the treasure boxes in this book?
Yes. All the clues you need to get within a decent proximity of each treasure box are inside the book.
How much is the complete treasure worth?
In truth, it is impossible to calculate. I personally spent well over two million dollars on this treasure. But the price of gold as well as the value of many of the objects in the treasure have already gone up significantly since I acquired them. Additionally, some pieces are one-of-a-kind, and for that reason they may be considered priceless. As all of the treasure items are rare, it’s likely they will only continue to appreciate in value over time. Depending on how popular this treasure hunt becomes and how long it takes for you to find it, it is possible that there will be an additional value premium accrued from the provenance of this hunt. Famous found treasures of the past have historically sold for far more than their spot price.
Can I find more than one treasure box?
Please do.
Do the boxes need to be found in any order?
Not at all. You can search in any order or for any number of treasures you wish.
Do the solves require me to be a genius or to complete a complicated cipher?
Absolutely not. You do not need to be a genius, and there is no grand cipher to solve that will take you to any treasure. However, there are particular traits and qualities discussed in the book that might help you along if you choose to use them.
What kind of clues are there in the book?
Many different types. You won’t need them all.
Are any of the boxes in a dangerous place and do I need to be extremely fit to find them?
Absolutely not. All the boxes are located in safe places that are not dangerous to get to. Anyone of average health should be fine. An entire section of the book is dedicated to explain how to ensure your treasure hunting experience is a safe and fun one!
My book copy has typos. Are these clues?
In my experience in the publishing industry, many people are involved in the proofreading process of each book. Even at a children’s book publisher, like the one I helped found at Marble Press, several people proofread every book, even books with just a few hundred words.
But There’s Treasure Inside is a different beast. It presented many proofreading challenges. First, to protect against the potential for any leaks about my book, it was my wish to limit the number of eyes reading this book in advance of its release. Far fewer people were involved in the editing process than would normally be the case. Second, this book is chock full of details and history. The amount of fact-checking and proofreading involved in its more than 70,000 words was intense. There was a tremendous effort towards getting everything correct. But even in a normal publishing environment, errors would certainly have occurred.
Typically, if a book has typos in the first printing, it never gets mentioned. These errors simply get corrected in the second or third printing, and nothing further is said about them. However, There’s Treasure Inside is no ordinary book. With a reader searching for clues, any typo might be considered important, or at least be questioned as such.
In short, I did not misspell any words, abbreviations, or proper nouns in my book intentionally. Nor did I state any incorrect dates or ages on purpose.
The first print run of There’s Treasure Inside does have some typos. All of these issues have been corrected for the second and third print runs that have already been completed.
The following are the typos found only in the first print run.
Tuyet Nguyet’s first name is regrettably misspelled as Tuyget on some pages.
The Hopi Calendar on page 85 has the description for July mistakenly the same as August. This has now been updated to say “Talangva Ninan Home Dance”.
Page 102 should read Uruguay, not Brazil.
Page 106 should read El Preciado instead of “the Presidio”.
Page 226 appears to be page 225 in some copies. This was an overlay issue that caused this appearance. All other pages are exactly as they should be.
And, finally, within the first quote of the introduction on page 9, there should have been a space between “SOMEWHERE” and “IN”.
Since the book’s launch, readers have emailed me after spotting typos in the book, wondering if these are clues. Thank you. I appreciate this.
All such errors will be corrected in future printings.
Why did you do this?
Because this project gave me so much joy. I hope it gives great joy to you too.
Will I enjoy your book even if I don’t want to search for the treasure?
Based on reader feedback, I believe you certainly will. The stories and histories surrounding the pieces in this treasure are captivating, inspirational, and full of drama. They make a thought-provoking and compelling read. We are all treasure hunters, as you and I have things we desire and pursue in our lives. The stories inside this book give insights into ways to be the best treasure hunter you can be, whatever that may mean for you.
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